What is the shelf life of a Sour House loaf?
Consume your bread while it is still fresh. If you leave it outside for more than 2 days the crust may become hard. However, sourdough has a good shelf life and you can still eat it until it begins to go mouldy. (We hope you won't leave it that long!) 

How to store the bread? ‎
Avoid refrigeration - it will remove all the moisture. Also avoid putting your loaf in a plastic bag, as that will make the crust begin to soften. Storing your loaf in a clean cotton cloth bag will help keep it fresh for longest. ‎If you are planning to save it for later consumption, we advise slicing the loaf, wrapping it in cling-film and freezing it.

How to slice sourdough bread?
It is best to cut sourdough with a good bread knife. A normal, non-serrated knife might cause it to crumble. 

What can I make with sourdough?
Sourdough is great fresh or toasted with some butter. Because of the crispy crust of sourdough it is easiest to eat as an open sandwich. Try it with your favourite sandwich fillings. We love hung curd, cheese with sweet chutneys, egg mixed with mayonnaise and pepper, or jam!


What is the Shelf life?
It’s best for up to 3 weeks. Please keep milk kefir refrigerated to avoid over-fermentation.

How to consume Milk kefir?
We enjoy milk kefir just as it is. However, you can make it super tasty by adding flavours, such as honey or turmeric. Kefir also makes a tasty and healthy smoothie base, mixed with fruits and nuts. 

Is it normal for milk solids to separate from whey?
Yes, it is normal for milk solids to separate after a day or two of storage. Simply mix it well before you consume it. 

How much milk kefir should I consume?
Milk Kefir is a probiotic drink, which means that 
it contains considerable amount of bacteria and yeasts which effects the gut flora greatly. This is the reason why you should be mindful when you integrate kefir into your diet. As such, it might be a good idea to start slowly! In our experience, 100 ml per day qualify as a good measure to start and then gradually increase the quantity based on how your body reacts.



What is the shelf life?
It’s best for up to 3 weeks. Please keep it refrigerated to avoid over-fermentation. 

How much water kefir should I consume?
If this is your first time drinking probiotic drinks please begin in moderation.



What is the shelf life?
It’s best for up to 4 weeks. Please keep it refrigerated to avoid over-fermentation.

How much Kombucha should I consume?
If this is your first time drinking probiotic drinks please begin in moderation.



How to consume hung curd?
Hung curd is great on toast on its own, and it also makes a tasty filling in a veggie sandwich. Alternatively, use it as a quick dip with tapioca chips.

What is the shelf life?
Up to 2 weeks, or as long as you don’t see mould or any other organisms growing on it. Please keep it refrigerated to avoid over -ermentation.